Hill of Fare Wind Farm Proposal: Public Exhibition in Banchory

RES is holding a final suite of public exhibitions to present the updated design for its 16-turbine Hill of Fare Wind Farm proposal and energy storage facility, approximately 6km north of Banchory. These events will provide people with an opportunity to review the updated design, speak with the project team, and ask questions.
Tuesday 20 June, 11am – 2pm
Banchory Town Hall 14 High Street, Banchory, AB31 5RP
Tuesday 20 June, 5pm – 8pm
Midmar Hall Midmar, Inverurie, AB51 7NE
Wednesday 21 June, 11am – 2pm
Learney Hall 9 Beltie Road, Torphins, AB31 4JT
Wednesday 21 June, 5pm - 8pm
Echt Hall B977, Echt, Westhill, AB32 6UL
Anyone wishing to provide feedback and ideas for local benefits to RES can do so in writing by filling out a ‘comments form’ at the events or online from the project website at www.hilloffare-windfarm.co.uk from Tuesday 20 June when copies of the exhibition information will be available on the project website for people to view. The closing date for comments on the updated design is Thursday 6 July 2023.
A group of local people have set up Hill of Fare Windfarm Information Group which has produced an information sheet which can be found at this link. We encourage you to read this sheet and the exhibition information and to contribute to the consultation.
Please note that comments submitted to RES during these exhibitions or subsequent consultation period are not representations to the determining authority (The Scottish Government’s Energy Consents Unit). There will be an opportunity to submit representations to the determining authority should a planning application be submitted.