Proposed Housing Development Upper Lochton

CALA Homes (North) Ltd has given notice of their intention to submit a planning application for the development of a major residential development, associated infrastructure and landscaping on land to North West of Hill of Banchory at Upper Lochton.
A public consultation event will be held on Wednesday 16 November 2022 from 4.30pm to 7.30pm at Banchory Town Hall.
Representatives of the developers will be available to respond to questions. This is a drop in event and members of the public are welcome to attend at anytime during these times.
For those unable to attend, details of the proposals can be viewed at this link (please note it is a very large PDF file 48MB) and the feedback form can be found at this link.
This proposal is not yet at the Planning Application stage and the current consultation is being run by the developer.
Comments on the proposal will be accepted by the developer on until Thursday 1 December 2022.