About us

Banchory Community Council is a democratically elected voluntary organisation set up and funded by Aberdeenshire Council, and run by local residents who act on behalf of the area.
The area covered by Banchory Community Council can be viewed on this map.
Community Councillors are local volunteers who are nominated and elected to the position for a 3 year term, after which they are eligible to stand for re-election.
Public bodies have a duty to consult the Community Council on how local services are delivered and on other issues affecting the community. For example, Banchory Community Council is a statutory consultee for matters such as Planning and Licensing.
You can find out more detailed information about the role of the Community Council at www.communitycouncils.scot
Current Membership
You can find out who the current members and office bearers of the Community Council are on our Membership page.
Join the Community Council
Elections to the Community Council take place every year that there are vacancies for members. Elections normally take place in May ahead of the Annual General Meeting in June. The elections are run by Aberdeenshire Council and vacancies are advertised widely in the community. You can find out more about Community Council elections at Aberdeenshire Council's website by clicking here.