Vote for local Mental Health and Wellbeing Funding

The Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund For Adults was created to provide grants to small, grassroots community groups and organisations working to promote good mental health and wellbeing in their communities.
We have been supporting The Listening Ear in Banchory with the assistance of Maud Village Trust as experienced co-ordinators. They are now seeking funding Aberdeenshire wide.
The listening ear is a free confidential listening service that we aim to set up in GP practices across Aberdeenshire for any adults who would benefit from talking to an independent person about challenges they are facing in their lives.
The Central Buchan Social Prescribing pilot aims to establish a pathway that connects people and local resources to address the practical, social and emotional needs of our communities. This initiative seeks to localise a more supportive pathway of health activities and service interventions to improve our communities mental health & general wellbeing.
Our colleagues at Banchory Community Trust are also seeking funding to continue the work related to the challenges they identified in their recent wellbeing report.
Many people in Lower Deeside "Suffer Quietly" with mental health conditions, preventing them from living their best lives.
Following very successful evidenced research of clear need which challenges our perception of this area, this project is the second step of our community's journey to develop accessible services working with local people:
- to improve their mental health
- increase confidence
- make beneficial life choices
- help secure their personal goals.
We intend to provide individual, group and peer-led social activities; encourage volunteering/employment opportunities through dedicated staff and volunteers and working in co-operation with local partner organisations.
Cast your vote for your top 5 projects by clicking the this link, and read about the work each of the finalists hope to do within their communities across Aberdeenshire.