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Deeside Health and Social Care Strategic Needs Assessment

Aberdeenshire Health and Social Care Partnership (NHS and Aberdeenshire Council) are carrying out an assessment of their services in Deeside, looking at what is provided now and how it can be improved and/or adapted to meet the current and future needs.

Health and Social Care services face a number of significant challenges and there are also specific infrastructure issues to be addressed in Banchory and beyond over the next few years including the future of Glen O'Dee Hospital, Aboyne Hospital and Minor Injuries Unit and a proposed new Health Centre for Banchory.

Banchory Community Council is encouraging every household in the town to complete the survey and make their views known.

Paper Copies - Available for pick up and drop off at the following locations in Banchory:

Charles Michie Pharmacy, 67 High St, Banchory, AB31 5TJ

Banchory Library, Bridge Street, Banchory, AB31 5SU

Dalvenie Gardens, Raemoir Lane, Banchory, AB31 5QY

If you have trouble accessing a paper copy of the survey please contact or contact the Community Council.

Paper copies of the survey should be returned by 8th July 2022 to: Service Point, Gordon House, Inverurie AB51 3WA

In person and online focus groups will be held later in the year and we will publicise these when the dates are known.

The decisions made as a result of the Deeside Strategic Needs Assessment will impact the future of our local health and social care services for years to come - so please take part in the survey and encourage others to do so. It is particularly important that the views of those who use these services most are made known. This will include people who will find it very difficult, or impossible, to complete the survey by themselves - so please help your family, friends and neighbours if you can.


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